Quote Originally Posted by ginourmous View Post
Are we supposed to put the same business multiple times? I am level 9 and running out of buildings that need orders to fill. If i put more houses i will be out of space fast and i am surely not making enough money to buy the eog park and build it. Getting bored fast and I don't want to have 2 of the same businesses in my city!!!!
I'm putting duplicate businesses on until I can replace them with new business because they do generate income. Also: at my low level 8 most generate 10 coins per day but 2 of them generate 20 coins per day so for now I want to pick the higher yield...I noticed that the higher level I am the same business will have orders of higher level/unlocked products. More income for those.

I'm trying to figure out a road layout that gives optimum space for buildings. Any ideas from people who have played the city games?