Quote Originally Posted by Kalyandrae View Post
Are we able to collect the Perfect Prologues and the Favored Fables ahead of time (before their needed use) during the Event?
If we collect more of the above Fables than what is needed for the current Dragon Tales Quest, do we get to keep them for use on the next Dragon Tales Event?

Thank you for your feedback - I have been trying to figure out how to make it through the entire Event(s), but so far my Max Level reached, in any of these particular Dragon Tales Events, is Level 7.
Yes, you can collect Perfect Prologues and Favored Fables ahead of time and it's actually a great idea to collect all that are needed for your levels almost as soon as you get the Pale Orchid Dragon.
However, the Perfect Prologues and Favored Fables are not transferable to the next Dragon Tales. Once the current DT event ends, so do everything associated with it except the Orcarina which lasts approximately 2 days after to create the token dragon, get adventure tickets or get farm Boosts.
As far as having enough food for these events, if you have one or both of the mines open, it's a good way to stock food. The most economical way of obtaining food is to plant Upgrapes and put a timer on to collect every 10 minutes. Also, if you play the leaderboards and finish in the top 100 you get an automatic 250,000 food which is 90% of what you need if you're a high level player. The 250k food covers what's required if you're level 79 or lower.