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Thread: Storm ID

  1. #1
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Storm ID

    I have a quick question: how do I change my Storm ID????

  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy2509 View Post
    I have a quick question: how do I change my Storm ID????
    Only a Storm8 staff member can change your Storm8 ID since that is essentially your account identifier and linked to your game progress and saves.

    You can request an ID change HERE via Support Ticket. (On the menu labeled "Topic" choose "Account Questions" then scroll down and you'll see the "Change my ID" option. From there, fill out the form and the team will respond within 5-7 days typically.)


    On the off chance you wanted to change your in-game name (the name your neighbors see) and not your account name (what you use to log in to games):

    You can make this change yourself anytime you want. Open the Menu in your game then navigate to the "Profile" tab. Once there, you'll see your in-game name at the top of the tab and a button beside it labeled "Change". Tap the button and you'll get a pop up where you can then enter your desired new name - be aware that this does cost 10 gems to do each time you want to change your name.

    Hope this helps

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