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Thread: Dragon Tales 12/19/23: Winter Wonderland

  1. #11
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Southwestern USA
    Quote Originally Posted by arrows420 View Post
    Been trying to breed Chaplet for almost a week. When day 6 hit, I popped a 10x hatch and a 10x breed boost. After failing 30 times and spending way more for speeding up breed/hatch than skipping the quest, I'm giving up on this one.

    Attachment 72447
    I'm so sorry this game messed up the Tales for you like that. We've been complaining for the longest for the develpoers to please get rid of the Sunrise Dragon or reduce the incubation/breeding time on this because a "Common" dragon should not have a 24 hour breed time, period.
    I'm guessing, like the lock-out issue for players playing the game "as intended", this issue may go in one ear and out the other. Hopefully I'll get proven wrong.

    My advice to you arrows420 is to spend the 112 gold to skip the acts that require the ultra rare common dragon in the future. Don't spend any gold to speed breed or buy the dragon itself. If enough players stop spending gold to breed ultra rare commons maybe it'll get them to either get rid of Sunrise or get rid of the common dragon requirement altogether.

  2. #12
    Rhino Keeper
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    Aug 2018
    Southwestern USA
    Like I advised to arrows420, Fellow Caretakers, stop spending gold to buy ultra rare common dragons or to speed breed trying to get the dragon. After requiring the use of white and yellow to get 2 common dragons this month, it really bothered me and I know it bothered a lot of you. With Sunrise being a common and having a 24 hour incubation time, requiring white and yellow for 2 dragons during the holidays seemed to be a greed move and that's not cool. It's many sunrises past time to either discontinue Sunrise or reduce the breeding time to the number of hours a true sunrise is and that's about 3 hours, not 24.

  3. #13
    New Resident
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    Sep 2015
    I've had issues many times before breeding the dragon for Tales, and usually I'll stop on day 6 and not spend anything. I maxed out on boosts and figured popping a 10x breed and 10x hatch should give me a decent chance. The gamble didn't pay off. I'm fine with it. I got 3 Leopard dragons, 6 Sunbeam, 9 Sunrise, 5 Honored, 4 Glitterday, and 1 Antlia (plus the 6 days of non-speedups which had a couple Sunrise). I sold everything but the Leopards which I'll trade and the Antlia which I didn't have.

    With all the dragons available to breed now-a-days they should make the special ones more likely to hatch during the event.

  4. #14
    Farm Supplier
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    Sep 2023
    Yep. I ended up getting Leopard, Glitterday, and Antlia last event while breeding for Honored, which was fine since I didn't have them. Many Sunrise last time. I got incredibly lucky this time and had x2 Honored to start, then got Chaplet & Antlia. Funny enough, Chaplet wasn't even from the Air/Light combo, I got it on Apollo/Aetherstorm if I'm remembering right.

    Completely agree though - two yellow/white common Tales dragons during the holiday feels like it isn't really a coincidence. More and more I'm feeling exasperated with the way it feels like the game is just grabbing as much money as possible. Honestly I've stopped spending nearly as much as I used to because it feels like the money spent has to be such a large amount to actually matter (looking at you, LB events). SummerSwan is right though - Fantasy Forest Story is even worse than DS about this sort of thing. Wish they were competing to provide better entertainment to us, not racing to the bottom.

  5. #15
    Farm Supplier
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    Sep 2023
    In addition, every single time I find out how a feature is implemented in these games, it adds significantly to the "going downhill" feeling... Although to be fair, most of these were the way they are from the start. Mining only having 1 reward on the grid at any time, battles requiring a crit to win, rolling 24 hours for ads, rather than by day, capped daily Mystic Maps from neighbors...

    Oh wait. make that capped daily REQUESTS from neighbors. I'm adding this comment after realizing that I sent out requests for Mystic Maps today, meaning that I'll have to pay gold for the Friendly Letters in order to have a chance at finishing on time. Since its a rolling 24 hours for these requests, I have no clue when to get on my other islands to fulfill the requests - and the request will likely get filled by a Mystic Map before I have the chance to anyway. Please make the Friendly Letter request go through separate than the map requests, S8.

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