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Thread: Increase habitats limit

  1. #21
    Grand Emperor
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by deadpixel View Post
    Hmm... I?m not sure if it?s a bug or what, but even though you have reached the 126/126 habitats limit and cannot buy more, the game still seems to allow you to put out whatever you have won or stored in your storage...

    Attachment 39395

    Don?t know if this will crash at a later date, but I too have 7 empty spaces that I cannot buy habitats for but still managed to put out whatever I have from storage.
    Don't worry, this isn't a bug. You can go higher by winning more habitats from events. See Habitats in Main Guide.

  2. #22
    Executive Chef deadpixel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rynetory2 View Post
    Don't worry, this isn't a bug. You can go higher by winning more habitats from events. See Habitats in Main Guide.
    That’s good news

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by deadpixel View Post
    That’s good news
    You cant buy new ones. So I dont think thats ,good news'at all. And a I cant believe that some one isnt ,worried' by now because of ,limit reached'. As we arent getting expentions for nearly are year now... so in my opinion: the game is close to its death

  4. #24
    Rhino Keeper
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    Mar 2016
    If you can't up the habitat limit and offer more land anytime soon, please at least give us the ability to store animals and premium habitats.

  5. #25
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rynetory2 View Post
    Don't worry, this isn't a bug. You can go higher by winning more habitats from events. See Habitats in Main Guide.
    The fact that this isn't a 'bug' and is deliberate is what is worrying to all of us, Rynetory2.My problem is this: Lets say that I want to buy a new habitat because I like how it looks or it allows for 5 animals in it. I have only ONE open habitat space left that I keep open so that I can buy a new habitat and move my old habitat animals into, then I get rid of the old habitat. That will allow me to always have 125/126 habitats so I can repeat the process if I need to in the future. I've been a paying customer of this game for YEARS. I started less than six months after this game was released and I spend a LOT of money a month on this game. Or I did.I would have spent more on this game buying more habitats to fill up my empty spaces than I have 'super saving' and only buying habitats that I like the look of or give me extra space for my overcrowded forest. Before when the habitat limit was plentiful I would buy at least three new habitats a month (I always needed the space because of the steady stream of animals FFS releases a month). Now I only buy one habitat every two months. I doubt I'm the only one that is spending less on this game now that our habitat limit is abysmally capped and new expansions are hardly ever released. I have my own depressing system on how I can maximize my space by sacrificing old habitats I paid good money for with new ones that hold more animals, as well as getting rid of commons, rares and super rares that took time, effort and sometimes money to get over the years. This is really horrible what S8 is doing to long-term players of this game as well as 'whales' like me who spent (notice I use past tense, not present) a LOT of money on this game when it was not only user-friendly but respectful of its customers (both long-term and short-term). All users see is a desperate and greedy money-grab from this company when mods and the dev team *refuse* to answer for a year on WHY they can't up the habitat limit at all. I, and every other user here, notices that nobody EVER answers this question at all. Why is it so hard to up the habitat limit or make it unlimited? Why does the S8 team ignore the question ALWAYS or delete it/bury it when a paying customer asks this simple question? If S8 would actually say something along the lines of: "Actually, we're working on it and the habitat cap should be fixed to being unlimited in the next month." we'd be less frustrated and feel more like we're not being conned out of enjoying this game. As a mod I have one important question for you: CAN you answer the habitat limit cap question at all? Have you asked them yourself and gotten an answer or have they given you the run-around and 'forgot' the question you asked every time you've asked it? It's an important question and it never, ever gets answered by anyone from the dev team or the mods. Always. Always, always, always.Back to my original point: So, let's say you're allowed to 'circumvent' the habitat cap with habitats you've won in your storage because they 'made it that way'... what happens when users like me that have it at 125/126 habitats sees a habitat they really like or has a useful feature to it? I won't be able to buy the new habitat that I personally want because my limit is over 126 if I bring out my stored habitats and the game won't let me buy another habitat. That means I'll have to go on a mass purging spree and delete a TON of animals *and* old habitats that I paid for years ago just to make enough room to put an extra habitat in that I need/like. That means, in the grander scheme of things, FFS team is making MORE work and stress for me even WITH this supposed 'gift' they so "generously" gave us to try and 'fix' the problem of habitat caps, so to speak. This does NOT fix the problem at all. It merely is a 'look, something extra and shiny for you!' distraction to make it LOOK like they've fixed the problem or are finding ways around it for the user, when in fact, it's just a shiny distraction to keep users from asking the fundamental question: WHY DOESN'T THE DEV TEAM JUST MAKE THE HABITAT CAP UNLIMITED?!I can understand that there is no new expansions and haven't been for a while. But tell me why they have 7 extra spaces that you can't expand to because your habitat limit is capped and has been for almost a year? Why did FFS get the math so fundamentally wrong a YEAR ago and have failed to fix it since then, even when updates to the game itself are monthly?I don't mean to be rude in this post, but when is someone ever going to come out and admit that the habitat cap is easy to fix and S8 is refusing to fix it and ignoring/burying any mention of it to distract from the fact that it is fixable and could have been fixed long ago? I'm no longer a 'whale' in the game because of this farce and the game is losing more whales every month the longer this issue isn't fixed. Eventually users that were whales just give up when they realized that their concerns and wishes are being consistently ignored or glossed over to distract from the fact that they don't matter at all to the FFS team.Personally I don't know why I even bothered to write up this long post to you. [] The point is: I'm about done with this game and so is a lot of people. A little common courtesy towards their customers would go a long way in gaining back some trust and loyalty from a base that made this game what it is today with our steady revenue over the years. Common courtesy would be them answering my questions about the habitat caps and why it's not unlimited or why space is always so sparse when we've been overflowing with too many animals and not enough spaces to put them in for almost a year.Will you be polite and answer some of those questions as a representative of this game or will you just ignore them like everyone else from the FFS team has done?
    Last edited by Rynetory2; 11-07-17 at 09:53 PM. Reason: Removed comments violating forum rules.
    All of my TL accounts are under ArcadiaTofu. Add me and 9 times out of 10 I'll add you quickly and try to gift as much as possible

  6. #26
    Grand Emperor
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    Jun 2014
    Hi ArcadiaTofu,

    Thanks for sharing your feedback. I have passed along your feedback to Storm8.

    I'm afraid you misunderstood my reply to the other player who asked if it was a bug. Kindly read it in context. Please send me a private message if you have more questions on my posts, link in my signature.

    On the habitat subject, rest assure that I will share updates and news with the community when I know, as I always do. FYI I dont have news of it at this point. Usually the Community Managers will post when they are able to share.

    Since the Suggestion and Feedback forum is the place where the team reads, I will move this thread over for them. Hope this helps. Thanks for your feedback.

  7. #27
    Farm Supplier
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    Quote Originally Posted by littelprincess0313 View Post
    Unfortunately it's no bug. A lot of players (like me) have the same problem since weeks - even months. You can only have 126 habitats. Not more. I have 7 open spaces and cant use them. If you want to buy a new habitat you have to sell an old one.
    We're begging for an update for ages but no ones listening.
    I am pretty sure if u gain a level it goes away. Ridiculous bug otherwise.

  8. #28
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rynetory2 View Post
    Hi ArcadiaTofu,Thanks for sharing your feedback. I have passed along your feedback to Storm8. I'm afraid you misunderstood my reply to the other player who asked if it was a bug. Kindly read it in context. Please send me a private message if you have more questions on my posts, link in my signature. On the habitat subject, rest assure that I will share updates and news with the community when I know, as I always do. FYI I dont have news of it at this point. Usually the Community Managers will post when they are able to share. Since the Suggestion and Feedback forum is the place where the team reads, I will move this thread over for them. Hope this helps. Thanks for your feedback.
    Thank you for moving this post to where the Dev team supposedly reads and answers on the forum. However, as I'm still waiting for someone from the FFS team to answer my (and many other users') questions I feel my point is still proven, regardless. Nobody from the FFS team will answer my questions no matter if it's moved to where they read and respond the most to users or not. My original point was that even if someone from the physical Dev Team reads my concerns and questions they'll just ignore it and act like they never saw it in the first place. When an actual member of the FFS team actually replies to me and answers the questions I posed I'll be satisfied. But so far, after almost a week of this post being available for them to view and reply to, they've failed to address it at all. I have a feeling that my post (and this thread in general) is going to be 'invisible' to the team for a long, long time. Just like it has been for almost a year in previous threads that begged for the habitat limit to not be capped (and the ones begging for more expansions too). Thanks for trying, though, I guess?
    All of my TL accounts are under ArcadiaTofu. Add me and 9 times out of 10 I'll add you quickly and try to gift as much as possible

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Yeah!!! Thx S8

    FYI to others I am at level 200 and habitat increased to
    I currently Play Fantasy Forest Story, Dragon Story and Castle Story. Looking for a few good neighbors to trade and visit!

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