Over the years, TL/S8 has made some, imo, stupid changes, and left some stupid options unchanced.

* the lack of confirmationbutton, gold-traps, combined with their rufusal to undo such spendings
* the removal of the option to get gold from the quest-outpost
* lowering the amount of gold you can earn in the tournaments
* making the Tales depend on luck instead of hard work
* breaking their promise to never release more dragons than you can house on your island
* remove the option to earn gold by watching adds
* raising the cost of dragons on sale (used to be 240 gold, now 340)
* the removal cq lowering earned gold when installing and playing other games, while still advertising for them

Yes, there have been some awesome additions to the game, but they are greedier and greedier by each month.

What is gonna make you stop playing?

To me, it's the luck-factor in the Tales: the moment I can't finish a tale because of not being able to breed the right dragon or such, I'm afraid I'll loose interest.

Nb, this is by no means a bash-S8 topic, just out of curiosity, and to show S8 what chances will loose players.